Sunday, March 8, 2015

I'm the handmaid of the Lord, Let's His will be done unto me

Well, apparently this third pregnancy was a surprised for everybody when I announced that.
But it's more surprising to see the response of them especially in this modern era when most of them value having more children as failure instead of blessing.

When I announced my third pregnancy, their first responses of course Congratulations ! (it's called manner)
Then the next responses were
"did you plan it ?". " I never believe in NFP", "I can't imagine how I will lose my freedom if I have another more", "I will be more strict now in my sex life", "I will prefer using other birth control method than NFP"

I was surprised getting this kinda responses, oh well....This is the first response too when I see the result of my pregnancy test pack. Until I got the courage to accept things that this is part of God's plans
In this modern era, kids are valued as burden instead of blessings and it's really happening in this society. And it happens in our catholic society too. It's kinda sad though...

When people ask me what will you do after this for birth control, I will say NFP.
Hubby ever told me, the beauty of NFP is eventhough we are preventing it, but we still let God works within us.

Well, for me, I can relate how Mother Mary felt when she received unexpected good news.
I believe she's shock too and her family and friends rejected her, talked back about her even St Joseph also wanted to leave her.
But she still obeyed Lord and walked by faith. And she's the only role model who inspires and gives me strength and courage to accept God's great tasks to me.

That's why throughout this journey, I have promised God that I accept this and I will do my best to give the best for all my children.
I will love, nurture and raise them as what God has asked me to do.

I may not be a perfect mother, but with His strength and love, I will walk together with Him to accomplish what He wants me to do

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